Saturday 23 August 2008

Is McFadden really anti-gay?

BRIAN McFADDEN has sparked outrage by saying straight person men should not wear

The ex-WESTLIFE headliner shocked listeners on a New Zealand radio show,
saying: "If you ar not homophile, a man should non be eating away pink.

"Saying pink is a pattern of red is the same as saying gay is a form
of male."

Understandable, gay rights activists have accused the isaac Bashevis Singer of homophobia.

A local Auckland charity have spoken out, with Rainbow Youth co-ordinator
Robert Marshall expression: "It's the sort of stuff that gets aforementioned every
day in the schoolyard. A lot of young mass are quite impressionable, and
when they see celebrities saying stuff and nonsense like that, they think it's OK to say
it themselves."

Life without Brian ... Westlife

Meanwhile Brian revealed the moment he wanted to quit his former boyband was
when they were asked to record a cover of BARRY MANILOW's Mandy.

The Irish singer announced his departure just months later and started making
plans for a solo career.

He said: "We never got any respect as artists because we didn't write all
the songs and we weren't a self-producing product. We were being controlled
more like puppets than anything else."

But despite his fizzling career, he's the last one laughing having traded in KERRY

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