Wednesday 13 August 2008

Brooke Hogan Poses For Mug Shots

Brooke Hogan posted deuce fake mug shots of herself on her web log, posing with a blackened eye, bruised cheek and fat lip.

In a poor attempt to gain some publicity, the daughter of Hulk Hogan holds a sign in one of the pictures saying: "Id RaThr B wiTH mY Br0thR 18."

Her younger sib Nick is currently in the slammer for heedless driving which resulted in his rider being permantly brain damaged.

Jessica Simpson's Brooke Hogan's postiche mug shot

The other image has a slogan recitation: "Thnk U 4 Lettn Me B MahSelf."

Hulk Hogan must be so majestic of his daughter

In addition to this, she wannabee singer/model/whatever writes a blog entitled, �LOL poor press and clingy gossip lovers....� And this is what she says:

It's so funny that the smallest thing I do can buoy jack up everyones day...LOL sorry I ruined your little gabfest world today people.........or did I give you something else interesting to cling to for your boring worlds? :) Stay tuned! I mightiness go shave my eyebrows tomorrow! Lets see what other fun things I can think don't you have a life to live? I know I do! Peace!

Love Always, Brooke

Maybe someone should lock her annoying loot in the slammer with her brother.